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A Handful of Client Testimonials

The most important feedback I receive is the connection with clients during our sessions, but occasionally I ask them to put pen to paper for a personal account of their experience.


I hope this will give you a flavour of what working together can feel like. 



“I had an amazing coaching session with Amanda. 


I knew that I was a bit of a crossroads in my business and wanted to explore that further with a 1:1 coach that I trusted implicitly. 

I'm not sure that I can find the words to describe that session but afterwards I felt I had more clarity on my direction and how to move things forward. 


Amanda has a great warmth and energy about her and creates a safe space to explore thoughts and feelings that need addressing. 


I love her blend of fun, woo and getting stuff done in a logical and systemised way! 


Highly recommend Amanda, she is one of those people who I've met on my journey that I know I can call up and ask for her help and guidance. 


She's beautiful inside and out, integrity and authenticity run through her veins, and I would highly recommend her.”


Del Parsons, Business Coach & Entrepreneur. 



"Amanda delivered a half-day workshop for her Elemental Leadership® programme, to myself and our team at YOLO Wellbeing.


It was amazing how much information and learning was delivered and absorbed in the half day session, with plenty of activities and group conversations.


We finished the session feeling inspired and motivated, with a guide on what to focus on to achieve personal growth and better leadership skills.


Amanda is incredibly knowledge and has the highest EQ of anyone I know, and is great fun to be around.


I wouldn't hesitate to recommend fact I already have on a few occasions.


Thank you Amanda."


Cheryle Britton founder of YOLO Wellbeing. 



"I can honestly describe working with Amanda as life changing.

Amanda brought clarity and understanding to both my personal and professional life in the most positive and inspiring manner.

She is truly gifted and sharing her expertise and insight has had the most profound impact on our business and all aspects of my life.

I cannot recommend Amanda enough and I am so grateful for the gift of knowing her."


Helen, Gemologist & Diamond Specialist. 



"Amanda is incredible. Her intuitive knowledge and ability to "tap in" to exactly what you need (even if you yourself don't know it) is amazing. 


Her warmth and passion shine through as she guides you expertly through what I'm sure delivered by anyone else would be some difficult truths. 


But coming from Amanda they just seem to make complete sense. 


Whatever you're facing, whatever questions you have about your personal or professional journey, I can't recommend Amanda enough as a safe, wise and powerful woman to work through it all with. 


Thank you, Amanda, for your powerful insights and wisdom. 


The World needs more of you!"


Sarah, Holistic Therapist & Business Owner. â€‹



"Working with Amanda Green has been nothing short of transformative.

As someone who has always believed in the power of personal growth but struggled to navigate the journey alone, finding Amanda was like discovering a guiding light in the midst of uncertainty.

From the moment I reached out to her coaching practice, I felt enveloped in a sense of compassion and understanding.

Amanda's approach is not just about providing guidance; it's about walking alongside you on your journey, offering unwavering support every step of the way.

What truly sets Amanda apart is her genuine empathy and dedication to her clients' growth.

She doesn't just listen; she hears you.

Through our sessions, Amanda created a safe space where I could explore my deepest fears and aspirations without judgment.

Her ability to empathise with my struggles and celebrate my successes made me feel seen and valued in a way I hadn't experienced before.

But Amanda's coaching goes beyond mere empathy; it's deeply educational.

She has a wealth of knowledge and insights that she generously shares to empower her clients.

Through her guidance, I gained a deeper understanding of myself, unravelling layers of self-doubt and discovering newfound confidence in my abilities.

Amanda's coaching isn't just about solving surface-level problems; it's about delving into the core of who you are and helping you grow from within.

Her compassionate approach coupled with her educational insights have propelled me forward on my personal growth journey in ways I never imagined possible.

If you're seeking a coach who is not only compassionate but also deeply committed to your growth, I wholeheartedly recommend Amanda Green Coaching UK.

With her by your side, you'll not only navigate life's challenges with grace but emerge stronger, wiser, and more empowered than ever before.

Thank you, Amanda, for being a beacon of light on my journey to self-discovery and personal growth"


Victoria, Small Business Owner. 



"Amanda appeared at the right time!


We met on a 'Women in Leadership' zoom & I recall when I first saw Amanda on screen I thought "I bet she’ll be my breakout group" and she was! 😊


From there it was a positive flow of events which I strongly feel was supposed to happen & I trusted my instincts in going with it. 


We had a great conversation regarding her coaching style & where I was at. 


This helped to clarify expectations & sealed a good decision to book sessions. 


It was refreshing & a relief to have the opportunity & space to speak with someone who felt like a long term friend. 


I was comfortable to open up & be honest about my thoughts, feelings & challenges. 


We explored solutions with ongoing support & reflection throughout. 


There was no judgment, just quality time, encouragement, a good listening ear, feedback, support in putting matters into perspective & most importantly; understanding. 


The sessions impacted on both my personal life & work in a very positive & enlightening way with reconfirmation that deepened my faith that I was on the right road. 


Each session was a positive climb & journey mentally to rebalance my thoughts, heart & head in order to move forward with excitement on my road of life which I really appreciated & was much needed. 


I highly recommend having coaching sessions with Amanda who definitely has a unique & ‘New Age’ way of coaching - which I believe will benefit those who get the opportunity to experience her skills, professionalism, support, approach & qualities.


Thank you Amanda - you are GREAT!! 😊"


Grace, Senior Manager, Westminster. 



"Amanda I am so glad I booked my session with you, I found it invaluable in so many ways. Restarting my wellbeing business after a gap and huge life changes was a daunting prospect.


Enlisting the help of someone like yourself was exactly what I needed in these early stages. I felt confident from our initial phone call that you would be the right person for me.


Your business background combined with your intuitive skills provided the perfect combination. It was useful to have the chance beforehand to consider what help I was seeking and as a result gain some very clear guidance from yourself.


Often we lose ourselves in the clutter and cannot see the wood for the trees. You helped me do that, specifically in the two areas I needed most which was brilliant!


Also for me personally, the intuitive guidance you provided, reassuring me that yes, I am in the right place, doing the right thing, was immeasurably helpful.


I went to bed last night in a much more confident state of mind, and woke this morning feeling that my plan was actually going to work and not as complicated as I had originally thought!


So a huge thank you and I look forward to booking another session with you."


Dawn, Author of Transformative novels & Wellness Guide. 



"I met Amanda at a HR event and was just absolutely blown away with her approach. Fast forward 4 years and I was in a position where I needed some help to help me progress both emotionally and in my career. 


Amanda provides a totally safe space to talk things through and move forward to a place of higher respect for myself and other people. Using a balanced blend of psychology and spirituality, I cannot tell you how much she has helped me and enabled me to view life more positively and move forward with purpose.


Amanda is a wonderful person and has a true gift. If you need support to help you navigate through your life or to move your career forward there is only one person I would recommend and that’s Amanda."


Liz, HR Manager. 





Is the only word to describe my learning experience with Amanda Green whose passion, enthusiasm and skill in spiritual coaching is truly amazing.  


Amanda’s sessions are thought provoking if not mind blowing and always joyful.  I loved exploring beyond the obvious in Amanda’s safe and respectfully challenging hands.  


I have learnt amongst many things that rescripting past life outcomes can help with positively managing situations in this life and it is a must have technique.  


I am now ready to access my higher self and spirit and am practicing this daily.  Now there’s two sentences I didn’t think I would ever write!


I am very much a work in progress and will continue to work with Amanda when I get that itch that needs to be scratched – there is no better guide.


Contact Amanda now if you want to delve into that which cannot be explained – you will love it."


Karen Tems, Director, The Business Network Central & East Lancashire



"It’s hard to put into words the power of Amanda’s work. Her wisdom reaches so deep that she will transform you from the inside out! I highly recommend working with Amanda if you want to step into your power and leave the bullsh*t behind."


Rachel, Business Development Manager & Coach. 



"I met Amanda through a Peer to Peer Group. I was looking for a forum where business leaders in small companies could work together to discuss issues and exchange ideas. Sessions with a "transformation coach" were included in the package. I have to admit to being sceptical. 


I've attended enough outward-bound courses and listened to enough motivational speeches to have concluded that a benefit received, if any, was likely to be short-lived. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly quick off the mark in booking my sessions. 


I attended the Peer to Peer meetings. I was in awe of the experience in the room and to my surprise I heard praise upon praise for this transformation coach. Was everyone just being polite? I awaited my first session with interest.


Amanda had no knowledge of me other than what I had chosen to share in the Peer group meetings, and yet I was surprised how perceptive she had been. In the very first session she hit the nail on the head. Shockingly so. 


Amanda opened perspectives that had not even crossed my mind. I couldn't quite believe it. I tested her suggestions. The outcomes were positive! Each 121 with Amanda has brought a new understanding of who I am and where I want to be. 


Amanda hasn't transformed me - that is for me to do, and I am free to take or leave her observations without judgement. But she has opened my eyes. She has given me a lot to think about and I certainly have a much clearer picture. She has given me the tools to transform myself and I am extremely grateful."


Financial Director, Manufacturing.



“Amanda is a fantastic coach who delivers with so much passion and enthusiasm she is infectious.


She really did get the team engaged and active. We are looking forward to continuing to work with Amanda to further develop our leaders and equip them for today and leadership tomorrow.  


Her content was tailored to our business and people style. I would recommend Amanda in heartbeat to add value to your people, business and culture. 


Thank you Amanda you are truly awesome!!” Danny Simpson, CEO MID Communications. 



"I have worked with Amanda for many years and when we facilitated a number of Peer to Peer programmes she was the first coach I contacted. I knew she would be professional, deliver to the exact details and that the business owners participating would feel comfortable and confident in her ability. 


I have also had no hesitation in recommending Amanda to business contacts for bespoke in-house training."


Coral Horn, EVA Awards, Pink Link Ladies Networking. 



"I've got to share an experience I've had with one of our business community, It was AMAZING.

I've been searching for a missing component to my life for ages, ever developing my sense of self-awareness and purpose, I've always felt that something was missing - and always had a notion that it was a bit of spirituality - then Amanda Green popped into my life. the timing was impeccable....coincidence? I think not 

When I met up with Amanda recently at Karen Tems networking lunch, her story resonated, and I was in, hook line and sinker.

Spending a couple of hours with Amanda to learn about myself, my past lives, and having her guide me to make some sense of the world was absolutely amazing, I could feel the gap, the void inside filling itself through every word we spoke.

She told me about my past life as a native American Chief, and how I led people through tough times when they were persecuted by others, another life I had as a farmer simply farming the land, and how I might yearn for simplicity in the present life.

My spirit animals of birds of prey, and the feathers that I would have worn in my head dress was amazing.

We talked about letting go, we talked about why I was here and all in all it was a very emotional experience that has changed the way I see the world forever.

You might be missing something right now, it might be that you need to connect a little more to your spiritual side, if you do, please speak to Amanda, she's awesome.


Andrew, Business Owner. 



"While recently feeling “stuck” along my path, I scheduled an appointment with Amanda. She revealed blocks that I have in this lifetime, as well as those from previous ones, that were holding me back and needed to be felt, addressed and healed.


Amanda walked me through a very useful healing exercise, and she gave me additional useful tips, that I can use to acknowledge and remove the blocks that are holding me back. I will work with Amanda and again and refer others to her as I found her to be very personable, professional and knowledgeable.  


Amber, Coach, Writer, Healer, Chicago, IL USA



"When I first started 121’s with Amanda, my life was a million miles away from where it is now. I have seen many therapists, counsellors and mental health experts over the years but with Amanda it feels different.

To me, it has seemed all about looking forward, seeing potential possibilities and finding positives in situations that I would not previously have seen. I believe that whatever stage of your life you are at, Amanda will join you there and help you to work through it.


I feel a much stronger, and dare I say it, a far less guilt-ridden person since meeting Amanda and I really want to continue to grow in this way."


Vikki, Practice Manager. 



"Amanda helps me make sense of myself, my career/working life and most importantly my family life. I am drawn to her approach which is both straight talking and abundant in kindness. I know I am accountable for the work we do together because for the first time ever I am committed to changing the way I view my world.


I highly recommend Amanda’s coaching, principles and practices to anyone looking for support with accountability. You will need a tiny bit of courage to get you going however you will be hooked from the first session."


Sam Moxham​, Chief People Officer. 



"I've had 2 sessions with Amanda so far which have been so incredibly helpful to me in unravelling some patterns of thinking that I have struggled with my whole life.


Amanda is positive, practical and personable in her approach. She has really helped things click into place for me and I already feel so much happier and confident."


Fiona, Consultant. 


"Amanda's workshops are a brilliant combination of warm energy, intriguing information and thought-provoking questions." Coach 


"Amanda is so interesting and makes things easy to understand - interacting with the whole group. Would highly recommend!" Accountant ​


“Amanda delivered a virtual session focused on energy and gratitude, entitled “Raising your Vibration” as part of a company-wide wellbeing festival for us. The session was insightful, uplifting and so well received by team members, so much so we have asked Amanda to return for a future event!” 


Lauren Mawson, People Specialist, Progeny


"Amanda's workshops are some of the most effective I have experienced with her ability to put you at ease and open up." Creative Director 


"I've experienced two sessions with Amanda so far and the difference has been like night and day. My state of mind has improved immeasurably and I now go to sleep looking forward to the next day. I've done things that I've been procrastinating on in my career and in relationships. I feel like I've had 10 x the value of the cost of the sessions. Thank you Amanda."


Richard, Logistics. 



"Working with Amanda online is great. I am always excited and uplifted during and after our sessions. Amanda is fun, engaging, knowledgeable, and shares so much information, while also giving you time for new thoughts to sink in, for that 'ooh' moment to materialise.


Her workshops are such a great experience that I would keep coming back for the pure enjoyment, let alone the changes I can feel in my life, while her 121 sessions allow her to help on a really individual level. I love working with Amanda!"


Lana, Life Changing Therapist.



"It's given me the confidence to look at things in a new way and to know that I have the power within me. I have control over my life." Ruth.



"My coaching with Amanda has been invaluable.  In just a few weeks I feel my outlook to be brighter and as I've been more productive in my work life, my overall sense of self-worth has been lifted somewhat. 


Amanda achieves balance between a sunny disposition and straight talk- both tools needed to turn the cogs towards positive change. Having someone you're accountable to can make a huge impact and I've found that first step to make positive changes to be very powerful."


Hannah, Illustrator.



"I cannot recommend Amanda highly enough. Her coaching techniques are highly innovative & inspirational & you feel immediately empowered to get started on the ‘New You!’


Her personality is highly engaging & she radiates warmth & enthusiasm which is incredibly infectious! She is very honest & openly shares her own personal experiences & how she daily manages to turn potential challenges into opportunities; whilst at the same time showing a genuine & sincere interest in your own areas of concern - suggesting incredibly helpful tools, techniques & advice on how to overcome them.

Please give Amanda a call – you will not regret it!"


Tony, transitioning into retirement. â€‹


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